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Pista Ice Cream

Pista Ice Cream

Pista Ice Cream
Ingredients:                                          Quantity
Milk                                                         3 cups
Heavy whipping cream                         1 cup
Caster Sugar                                         1 cup
Pistachio                                               50 grams
Pistachio essence                                  few drops
Green food coloring                        2 spinch
First of all take a saucepan pour the milk into a saucepan and bring it to b a boil.once it beings to bubble around the edges,add sugar and let it cook until sugar is dissolved and turn off the heat
Remove from the stove and let it cool down then add cream
Now add 2 spinch of  green food coloring and mix it .now add few drops of pistachio essence and mix it.let the milk mixture cool or place it in fridge
Once  the milk mixture is cool ,pour milk mixture into a zip lock bag and put it in the freezer until it becomes firm for about 6-8 hours
Take it out of the freezer and try to break the mixture like this ,now transfer the ice cream mixture in the food processor and blend or pulse the ice cream mixture 2-3 times
Now add chopped pistachio and mix it.transfer the ice cream mixture into a container and place the container in freezer for 6-8 hours
After 6-8 hours ,the ice cream is ready it for serving!

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